The Resistance To Innovate In Commercial Real Estate
“The only thing that’s certain about predictions is that many of them will be wrong” — Why Success Always Starts With Failure By Tim Harford Predictions are fun to make but rarely accurate, and future predictions about the state of the commercial real...

Legacy Property Series — Helms Bakery: Highlighting a 4th Generation Legacy Property
Jeff Gould, Helm's Bakery On Thursday, June 14th Lineage Asset Advisors and Inheriting Wisdom held the 2nd Legacy Property Series event which highlighted the iconic Helms Bakery property in Culver City. The event was graciously hosted by Wally Marks and Josh Gilman,...

The Influence of Time On Family Dynamics
"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." - Alex Haley I thought the above quote does a nice job of encapsulating the influence that time has on the “family dynamics”. In my work with multi-generational families and their...

Save the Date: Legacy Property Series: Helms Bakery
WHAT: 2nd Legacy Property Series: Helms Bakery - Highlighting a 4th Generation Legacy Property WHEN: Thursday, June 14, 2018 DESCRIPTION: This is the second in an ongoing series of Legacy Properties. Please contact email hidden; JavaScript is required or call Kathleen...

Three Macro Trends in Commercial Real Estate
For 2018 we wanted to point out three macro trends in commercial real estate that are becoming increasingly relevant to our clients: Wealth Transfer – The wealth transfer “wave” is growing like a tsunami with trillions of US dollars are anticipated to be transferred...

What is a Legacy Property?
A Legacy property is a real estate asset that has maintained its historical and/or cultural significance over multiple generations. It is a symbolic representation of not only the community for which it serves but also the storied history of family owners that have...

The Legacy Property Series – Highlighting Unique Properties & Their Family Ownership
WHAT: The Legacy Property Series - Highlighting Unique Properties & Their Family Ownership WHEN: Ongoing, First event on October 19th, 2017 at 5:30pm WHERE: Multiple locations, First event at Culver City Hotel Download the Flyer Description The Legacy Property...

5th Annual Building Technology Showcase
WHAT: 5th ANNUAL BUILDING TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE WHEN: AUGUST 11, 2017 DESCRIPTION On August 11, 2017, over 100 industry professionals attended the 5th Annual LABBC Technology Showcase, which featured fast-pitch presentations from 15 leading technology companies and an...

5 Transition Planning Strategies for Multi-Generational Families That Own and Operate Commercial Real Estate
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' admin_preview_bg=''] Free Report 5 Transition Planning Strategies for Multi-Generational Families That Own and Operate Commercial Real Estate “In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right, but they may...

Green Building Strategies
WHAT: Green Building Strategies: Adding Value for Clients WHEN: April 7, 2017, 9:30AM-3PMpm WHERE: Century Plaza Towers, Conference Room A, 2029 Century Plaza Park East, Los Angeles, CA Register Here | Download the Flyer Description This course will help you to become...

Greenbuild 2017 Special Set
WHAT: A Public Private Partnership for a Sustainable Future in LA WHEN: October 5, 2016, 2pm WHERE: 411 Theater Description The session is described as “A strong collaboration between government officials, tourism and convention agents, sustainability experts, and...

LA Better Buildings Challenge Webinar
WHAT: LA Better Buildings Challenge Webinar WHEN: April 24, 2013 WHERE: Online Description Jeff presented on the following topic during this widely listened to webinar Found Money – Cost Segregation and 179D: Tax Savings Strategies for Energy Efficiency...

Jeff Gould Joins Make-A-Wish Tri Counties Board
Founded in 1985, Make-A-Wish® Tri-Counties has granted the wishes of more than 1,500 local children in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties on the central coast of California. Jeff Gould joins the board this August 2015. View the announcement

Lunch and Learn
WHAT: Value Enhancement Through Sustainability and Building Modernization WHEN: July 23, 2015, 11am WHERE: 523 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles Description In this exclusive Lunch and Learn session which hosted over 60 building owners and real estate professionals, Jeff...

Urban Land Institute (ULI) Event
WHAT: Creative Financing and Partnerships: Leveraging Your Position in the Market WHEN: June 15th and 16th, 2015 WHERE: Palomar Hotel Description Jeff Gould presented on the following topics at this event which hosted over 50 top real estate developers throughout the...